Special Educational Needs

At Danesfield, we aim to provide an inclusive education in which all children are encouraged to reach out to fulfil their potential. We know that children all learn in different ways and we adapt our teaching to suit the individual needs of all of our learners.  We build self-esteem with positive learning experiences and succcessfully involve all children in whole school life.

Quality First Teaching is an essential element of this and teachers provide exciting learning opportunities and resources that engage pupils' interests and abilities. Some children require additional or adapted provision to minimise barriers to learning and maximise progress. We have high expectations of our children with SEND and are always looking at innovative ways to inspire them with their learning, by utilising their strengths and encouraging them to develop their talents. Technology is a huge support system to children with SEND and is an embedded part of our provision. 


We apply the Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach and use Buckinghamshire's Graduated Approach to guide our high quality universal, targeted and specialist provision, depending on the needs of the child. This ensures that all pupils have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated to support them accordingly. By delivering this approach, we:

  • Monitor the quality of teaching and progress of children with SEND
  • Set SMART targets for improvement
  • Ensure that all children are given equal opportunities
  • Ensure resources have the maximum impact and are continually reviewed
  • Ensure every child feels valued and supported
  • Inspire confidence
  • Enrich the curriculum to suit the needs of every child
  • Provide a nurturing, yet ambitious environment
  • Provide access to additional outside agencies when necessary

Our SENDCO, Miss Berry, is always happy to speak with parents and carers about general enquiries regarding SEND, or any specific questions about your child. If you would like contact her, please do not hesitate to do so on aberry@danesfieldschool.co.uk .