
PE and Sport Premium

We offer a wide range of sporting opportunities to all children across the school. Our challenging physical education curriculum enables pupils to be physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation to inspire them to live a healthy, active lifestyle. We encourage children to try as many different sports as possible in order for them to discover their skills and develop a lifelong love of sport. 

The Education Funding Agency provides additional funding to each school every academic year to improve provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - is ring-fenced and can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.

Danesfield School will spend the money in the academic year 2023-2024 on the following:

Greater variation of sport activities – Specialist coaches and teachers will be funded to enable children to improve their skills and take part in further external competitions.  We will be focusing on hockey, netball, cross-country, football and cricket for KS2 pupils and football, gymnastics and multi-skills for KS1.

Developing stamina, core strength and posture, and encouraging pupils to lead an active lifestyle- Movement Education will run sessions for Years 1-6, focusing on developing pupils' stamina and overall strength. Teachers will observe these lessons and continue the programme to promote physical activity and to provide further opportunities for children to beat their personal best.

Staff CPD - We will increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of all teachers to ensure they plan and deliver engaging lessons that provide appropriate next steps, support and challenge. The PE co-ordinator, alongside new staff, will attend courses throughout the year and will deliver regular staff meetings. We will have an INSET day dedicated to the planning and delivery of PE. Funding will be used for the courses in addition to supply cover. 

Increase in Physical Activity- All children will be provided with equipment during breaktimes to encourage physical activity. Staff will run lunchtime clubs for each year group that aim to engage our least active pupils and those who do not attend extra-curricular clubs. Movement Education will provide daily brain break activities for all pupils between lesson times.

Increase the number of internal competitions- each term, every year group will compete in an inter-house competition, based on the sport they have been learning.  

Increase the number of external competitions- We will work closely with other local schools and the SGO to organise and run these events. Funding will be spent on any extra equipment needed to run these safely along with sports awards. Funding will also cover part of the cost for pupils in KS2 to attend our Thames Valley Running League events.

A report evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium for 2022-2023 can be found included in the new document below:


Sport Premium Plan 2023-24